At last! Apple has finally unveiled its rival to the Amazon Alexa and Google Home devices. And it looks like it’ll give the competition a run for its money, as...
In a perfect world, users will never need their security camera footage. However, video surveillance offers peace of mind, and the new Nest Cam IQ is a great option. Nest’s...
Grado is known for creating high-fidelity headphones with beautiful sound magnification, and now the brand has unveiled its first flagship headphones in more than ten years. The PS2000e are meticulously...
Summer is nearly here, so it’s time to prepare for poolside lounging with LifeProof‘s new Aquaphonics Bluetooth speakers. LifeProof has an established reputation as a builder of high-quality smartphone and tablet...
French engineers Francois Baptista and Stéphane Pietroiusti have developed a creative new drone that’s made for more serious applications than weekend play. The duo’s EAGLE EYE was developed as a search-and-rescue...