Apple unveiled the new iPad on Tuesday. Called the iPad Air, The full-size 9.7-inch tablet weighs only one pound – that’s 0.4 lbs less than its predecessor. It’s also about...
Samsung has introduced the world’s first smartphone with a curve. The Galaxy Round features a concave screen and a curved exterior. The phone will also feature two more new features....
Bang & Olufsen (B&O), creators of such products as the A9 NordicSky, launched the BeoPlay H6 headphones in April. They have now updated the line-up with a new special edition...
Taiwanese manufacturer Gold Genie and HTC have teamed up to manufacture an 18k gold HTC One to celebrate the 18th anniversary of the MOBO Awards, a British awards ceremony. These...
Since cutting ties with Nokia, Vertu has began to carve its own path when it comes to designing smartphones. Vertu is following the release of its first android-based smartphone ,...