The Pulse, created by Soundbrenner, is a wearable digital metronome designed so musicians can keep a beat regardless of the setting. “Following the beat is fundamental to playing great music,”...
With nearly everyone constantly carrying a mobile phone, clocks’ slip into irrevelancy may have already begun. “The Coolest Clock,” created by a Austrian company à tout le Monde Studios, attempts to...
Amazon has introduced a new way to shop for everyday household items. The simple concept is called the Dash Button. When you are out of an item, simply press a button...
The latest entry in customizing the iPhone 6 with rare gems and materials is from Golden Dreams. The Carbon Edition is crafted from the buyers choice of white, gold, or...
Better known as an auto tuner, Vorsteiner wants to get in on the ever-popular gold iPhone craze. They have teamed with Gold & Co London to create a custom iPhone...