Like a glittering gem soon to be plucked from its setting, a palatial estate in Milton, Georgia awaits a new custodian as its current owners, reality royalty Kim Zolciak-Biermann and...
Doug Ellin, the creative force behind HBO’s hit show Entourage, is bidding farewell to his opulent desert oasis in La Quinta, California. Nestled beneath the majestic Santa Rosa Mountains, this...
Football phenom Travis Kelce has scored an elegant, private estate that reflects his soaring popularity. The Kansas City Chiefs tight end recently purchased a palatial 17,000-square-foot mansion ensconced within a...
The emperor of e-commerce has expanded his kingdom in Miami’s billionaire beachhead. Jeff Bezos recently acquired a $79 million mansion on exclusive Indian Creek Island, known as the “Billionaire Bunker”...
The storied actor Kiefer Sutherland, scion of the Sutherland acting dynasty, has quietly divested himself of the trappings of Tinseltown. Last year, he secluded himself in a Hudson Valley retreat,...