Nestled within the aquatic embrace of the Intracoastal Waterway and shrouded by the venerable hand of history, the 1940s Floridian home of esteemed DIY sage Bob Vila and his scholarly...
A palace fit for royalty arises along the rippling waters of Fort Loudoun Lake. The stone-hewn manor was once home to Sir Todd of Helton, storied knight of the emerald...
Spliced from pop icon and silver screen star, a luxury union now dissolves in Manhattan. Joe Jonas lists his Nolita nest, a $5,999,999 gem where marriage once glowed. Though vows...
As the sun languidly bids adieu to this year’s warmer chapters, the forward-thinking aesthete sets his sights upon a future sojourn—an idyllic escape to the sea for the summer of...
The desert sun glints off infinity pools as it sets over the mountains, cascading light across the DJ booth where just hours before the estate likely pulsated with revelry. Such...