Bob Odenkirk, known for his role as Saul Goodman on hit TV series Breaking Bad, is selling his unique home in Los Angeles for $2.4 million. The three-bedroom, 3.5-bathroom home...
Tom Cruise’s Rocky Mountain retreat is now listed on the market for $59 million. The four-bedroom, six-bathroom home tucked away in the mountain woods of the small town of Telluride,...
Singer John Legend and his wife, model Chrissy Teigen’s home is a $1.995 million Los Angeles sanctuary. The three-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom house sits on a mountain side surrounded by bamboo and...
With his congressional term running out, former NFL All-Pro offensive lineman and current politician Jon Runyan is selling his Mount Laurel, N.J.-area home. The house is 13,418 square feet and...
Mel Gibson is having a little trouble selling his multi-million dollar home in Costa Rica. The estate sits on 500-plus acres of private jungle and is located in the Playa...