The iconic New York City penthouse that was once home to legendary Hollywood couple Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward has surfaced on the market for the first time in over...
Perched above the streets of Los Angeles rests a secluded 6.5-acre estate that has been passed down through generations of Hollywood elite. Currently owned by Helen Mirren, this sprawling compound...
Todd Boehly, part owner of Major League Baseball’s Los Angeles Dodgers franchise, has listed his sprawling Darien, Connecticut estate for $19 million. The luxurious compound encompasses 9.5 acres and includes...
An architectural treasure atop Tinseltown is now on the market. The Pritzker estate, a limestone leviathan lording over Los Angeles, hit the listing block with a $195 million price tag....
Nestled on a prized corner lot in Sag Harbor, NY, a Victorian estate belonging to talk show host Joy Behar has hit the market for $10.95 million. The 4-bedroom, 4.5-bathroom...