Tesla’s Limited-Edition Surfboard Sells Out Fast

Tesla’s Limited-Edition Surfboard Sells Out Fast

Published: August 1, 2018 | By: American Luxury Staff

A Tesla roadster is heading toward a Mars orbit, and down here on dear old earth the company’s more modest recent mascots include a pintail thruster which might be spotted riding waves at Trestles the next time there’s a swell.

A limited number of Tesla’s faithful…a group whose numbers are clearly swelling, as it were…snagged one of the brand’s themed wave riders. The ‘board was designed in collaboration with design expert Matt “Mayhem” Biolos. The result of Mayhem’s inspiration is a 6-foot 8-inch constructed predominantly from the same materials used in the company’s electric vehicles. Aside from the polystyrene core, of course.

Taking inspiration from Tesla’s Black Dart, the board is crafted from a blend of carbon fiber composite material and epoxy resin. The limited-edition surfboard takes further inspiration from Tesla automotive designs in the look of its matte and gloss finish.

The salty few who were able to get their hands on one of these boards were forward-thinking EV fans, through and through, brandishing the telltale Tesla colors and logos on both the front and back of their ‘board of choice.

All 200 of the limited-edition, $1500 Tesla surfboards sold out on day one.

3857 August 1, 2018 Lifestyle August 1, 2018