Cohiba cigars are known as some of the most sought-after cigars in the world, and now the brand has paired with Swiss watch manufacturer Zenith to celebrate 50 years of excellence.
Both brands have similar values of sophistication, craftsmanship, and exclusivity. Cohiba was established in 1966 (and officially registered in 1969) and has since become a staple in the luxury cigar industry. As such, it’s fitting that the brand is honoring years of hard work with a limited series watch by Zenith.
The exclusive El Primero Chronomaster 1969 is now available with 50 examples in rose gold and 500 examples in stainless steel. Each incredible piece sports a Havana brown dial and emblematic Cohiba motifs.
The timepiece features a 282-part movement and a chronograph and tachymeter with more than a 50-hour power reserve. Additionally, the limited edition watch sports a sapphire crystal dome and an oscillating weight marked with “Côtes de Genève.”
Cohiba cigars are considered the most exclusive Habanos and are only enjoyed by a lucky few. The brand is named for a term used by Tainos Indians to describe tobacco leaves. Modern-day Cohiba cigars are crafted with Seco and Ligero leaves that undergo a unique fermentation process.