Porsche Unseen: Vision Spyder

Porsche Unseen: Vision Spyder

Published: November 24, 2020 | By: American Luxury Staff

The news from Porsche midway through the month is the ‘Porsche Unseen’ series of cars, which reveal designs the company drew up between 2005 and 2019, and considered building before consigning to their archives. Some of the cars are fascinating—including this one, the Vision Spyder.

The Vision Spyder was dreamed up in 2019, and features a pure driving aesthetic—an unadorned exterior, Spartan interior, and a prominent roll bar for safety. The car recalls the Porsche 500-1500 RS Spyder which, according to the company website, was built in the mid-1950s.

The Porsche Unseen book is a 358-page window into the process behind Porsche design, and how new design elements are developed. There’s more to come in the series.

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