Hasselblad’s 907X 50C Medium Format Camera, Its Smallest Ever, Now Available

Hasselblad’s 907X 50C Medium Format Camera, Its Smallest Ever, Now Available

Published: August 29, 2020 | By: American Luxury Staff

Good news for professionals and serious amateur medium-format photographers out there: Hasselblad’s 50-MP 907X 50C has entered regular production. The camera system—which had been initially offered as a commemorative Apollo-11 semi-centennial model—pairs Hassie’s CFV II 50C back with the newly-designed 907X body.

The system can take full-resolution JPEG images, as well as 2.7k video at the popular 16:9 widescreen ratio. Features include Wi-Fi integration, and the full range of Hassie’s X lenses can be used with the body. The system can record in 16-bit RAW if desired; it boasts a range 14 stops.

It’s a Hasselblad, so it’s beautiful, cutting-edge, and brilliantly designed. And, pricey: the system comes with a retail price of $6,400. Expect to see the Hasselblad 907X 50C at dealers toward the end of the summer.

3189 August 29, 2020 Camera, Tech August 29, 2020