Touring Superleggera Sciadipersia a ‘Modern Manifestation of the Romance of Travel’

Touring Superleggera Sciadipersia a ‘Modern Manifestation of the Romance of Travel’

Published: April 16, 2020 | By: American Luxury Staff

Last year, Italian automotive firm Touring Superleggera let the world have a look at the Sciadipersia Coupe and Cabriolet, hand-built cars designed for luxurious rambles through timeless postcard scenery; even without the postcard scenery, the fantasy represented by the series—and the remarkable sensibilities and extravagant attention that went into it—would be sufficient for most owners to plot a privately quixotic cartography.

The venerable coachbuilder announced this month that a handful of the 15 planned for production will be crossing the pond and finding their way into select U.S. dealerships. That’s good news for collectors of the European motoring style, and the particular form of Epicureanism it suggests. Touring Superleggera uses a Maserati for a foundation, creating a striking bridge between golden-age dream and contemporary dollar sign with handcrafted aluminum and a great deal of carbon fiber. The series’ substantial power comes from the Maserati’s 4.7L V8.

The Coupe conjures a little Bertone in the particular slope of its roof and its two-tone cosmetics. The Cabriolet fuses the particular romantic lines of English and Italian roadsters to present an idealized vision of the style that reconciles the heyday of the drop-top two-seater—1950s through the 1970s—and the present tense. The idea is an intensely romantic one.

2866 April 16, 2020 Cars April 16, 2020