Dr. Phil Gets His Price for Kooky 90210 Manse

Published: February 27, 2020 | By: American Luxury Staff

Regular readers may remember the Beverly Hills listing owned by Dr. Phil. The home, a wild odyssey with a damn-the-torpedoes sense of style, makes for a terrifically fun inquiry; with its staid, even bland modern Mediterranean exterior and its entirely individualistic interiors, it might represent a metaphor for Jungian enantiodromia, when the persona begins to yield to individuation.

Or it might only be the result of too much disposable income.

In any case—or case study, as the case may be—the home sold after only about a month on the market, and for its asking price: $5.75 million. Not bad at all.

The 1960-build home’s exterior architecture is unremarkable. A fair amount of glass, some familiar Spanish-style design elements, a clay tile roof, a recessed entry; not unusual fare for a high-end residence in Southern California.

Inside the home, a free-wheeling style quickly emerges which is, by turns, gleeful, devil-may-care, fascinating, and just plain silly. But never boring. The foyer alone, with its peculiar ideas about organic growth, and its contrasting veneer of metallic glam, make for interesting spectating for the curious out there who bring an open mind to their binges of interior decorating voyeurism.

The home was the residence of Dr. Phil’s son Jordan prior to the sale. The young musician is on tour as an opening act for the Jonas brothers.

3757 February 27, 2020 Real Estate February 27, 2020