De Tomaso P72 Is a Nostalgic Build Rich in Historical Reference

De Tomaso P72 Is a Nostalgic Build Rich in Historical Reference

Published: July 25, 2019 | By: American Luxury Staff

The reprise of classic De Tomaso style has been a siren song of sorts for 70s car aficionados in recent years. It inspired the Ares Panther Project One, the first in that company’s planned Legends Reborn series, and the classic 1970s combination of tailored Italian performance and pugilistic American muscle made for a welcome return when it formally appeared this past winter.

But a reboot of De Tomaso, the company, wasn’t far behind, as it turns out. And this summer we see the first new De Tomaso since the rights to the company name were acquired by Ideal Team Venture in the spring of 2015: the P72.

Ideal Team Venture is, like all new owners of classic auto marques in recent years, interested in walking the tightrope between historic homage and contemporary appeal; to sell a car for ~$1M, you need to press as many buttons as possible. And, if managed correctly, the balance that results can make for both a beautiful work of craftsmanship and a vehicle with a complex subtext.

The De Tomaso P72 features a remarkably sculpted, fluid body, with extravagantly voluptuous feminine lines which—had the car appeared in De Tomaso’s heyday—could’ve inspired a bit of automotive-oriented Jagger lyricism in the hit Rolling Stones song ‘Start Me Up’. Analog displays and a manual gearbox touch on the right bit of sweet nostalgia, while a carbon-fiber monocoque definitively places the P72 in this century.

The design picks up where the De Tomaso/Shelby P70 race car left off, and too soon: that car never entered production. The P70 has become the stuff of tragic automotive legend, as a result…which could make the P72 its requiter as well as its descendant.

With production limited to 72 examples, however, it won’t be around for long.

3480 July 25, 2019 Cars July 25, 2019