Billionaire Russ Weiner Asking $36M for Aristocratic Statement on Sunset Blvd

Published: February 21, 2019 | By: American Luxury Staff

Rockstar energy-drink creator Russell Weiner has adjusted the ask of his trophy estate in Beverly Hills. It was listed at $49 million at one point; this latest adjustment puts it at a more competitive $36 million.

Madonna owned the property for about a decade, selling it in 2013 for $19.5 million.

The estate is designed in the French style, and the lot extends to well over an acre. The main house is a 12,100 square-foot mansion with nine bedrooms and fourteen baths. It was built in the late 1960’s, but recent renovations have left it with a contemporary/rustic feel; most appealing is the open shared living area, which features vaulted ceilings with exposed beams that have been washed soft grey-blue and matte-finished plank floors.

The available space is put to good use; there is a guest house and pool house. The 1.14 acres of grounds feature many mature trees, as well as gardens and a large lawn.

5381 February 21, 2019 Real Estate February 21, 2019