Special Koenigsegg Regera Uses Nothing but Bare, Hand-Polished Carbon Fiber

Special Koenigsegg Regera Uses Nothing but Bare, Hand-Polished Carbon Fiber

Published: December 15, 2018 | By: American Luxury Staff

Carbon fiber is a hot material choice for many sports automakers; it’s de rigueur for exotics, lightens curb weight, is far more rigid than aluminum, and looks as 21st-century as can be. In rolling out their new model for the press corps, though, Koenigsegg has taken automotive use of the raw material to a whole new level.

The first variant of the Swedish supercar maker’s much anticipated Regera model boasts a “naked carbon” exterior. Entirely without varnish, lacquer, or coating, the vehicle is dramatically on display. Similar naked carbon-fiber looks are usually coated with a thin layer of epoxy, but the new Regera doesn’t even use that. Raw carbon fiber. It makes for an arresting look when combined with Koenigsegg’s ambitious design style.

Experts at Koenigsegg were able to accomplish the unique look via a complex hand polishing process that—if not performed carefully—can easily ruin the surface of the material. This process results in a totally unique metallic graphite appearance.

For those worried about the durability of a vehicle without an epoxy coating, don’t fret. The naked carbon exterior is incredibly strong, and Koenigsegg subjected the material to extensive testing.

3722 December 15, 2018 Cars December 15, 2018