Personal Assistant, DJ, Media Hub: The Temi Personal Robot Does It All

Personal Assistant, DJ, Media Hub: The Temi Personal Robot Does It All

Published: September 28, 2017 | By: American Luxury Staff

Robotic tech continues to evolve. Enter Temi‘s Personal Robot, an interactive AI PA that brings the future just a little closer.

The new device’s primary purpose is to act as the media center of a home, but it also functions as a DJ and personal assistant. The new personal robot has a number of advanced features to make everyday life a lot easier.

The high-tech machine is equipped to interact with its users on a whole new level. Using advanced voice recognition technology, the robot is able to listen and respond to users’ commands.

In addition, Temi continuously offers autonomous navigation, high-tech AI capabilities, and top-flight audio and video reproduction. Of course, all that advanced technology is housed in a sleek and modern design that’s crafted to easily fit into any home.

The Timi Personal Robot is available for preorder now.

2974 September 28, 2017 Home Automation, Lifestyle, Tech September 28, 2017