Teforia’s Futuristic Leaf Infuser Is Like a Sexy Keurig for Tea Drinkers

Teforia’s Futuristic Leaf Infuser Is Like a Sexy Keurig for Tea Drinkers

Published: June 9, 2017 | By: American Luxury Staff

Tea is more than just a drink to many, its a ritual, and tea connoisseurs often experiment with various steeping methods to achieve the ideal extraction. Now, the new Teforia Tea Infuser promises to craft a perfect cup.

While tea drinking can be traced back nearly as far back as mankind itself, new developments in brewing continue to excite tea enthusiasts. Teforia’s take on the leaf is its intelligent infuser, able to identify each Teforia package and initiate the ideal brewing recipe. Yes, it’s like individual cup coffee brewers, except the Teforia is more precise. That precision should appeal to tea drinkers, too, as they’re a fastidious bunch.

While most brewing methods just extract flavor, Teforia’s infuser was designed to amplify the specific characteristics of each tea. Thanks to Bluetooth connectivity, users can also interact with the infuser via smartphone. However, tea drinkers won’t need to keep too close of an eye on the machine, since the intelligent brewer self-monitors quality, water temperature, agitation, and steep time.

Available for $399, the Teforia Infuser Kit features 15 Selective Infusion Profile System teas. Here’s hoping they include Lapsang Souchong.


2724 June 9, 2017 Interior Design, Kitchen, Lifestyle June 9, 2017