Crave The Brew but Hate Stained Teeth? Perhaps It’s Time to Switch to Clear Coffee

Crave The Brew but Hate Stained Teeth? Perhaps It’s Time to Switch to Clear Coffee

Published: April 24, 2017 | By: American Luxury Staff

Coffee is more popular than ever. From boutique roasters to chain drive-thrus, the stimulating beverage is a defining feature of contemporary popular culture. What about the staining of teeth, you ask? Not enamored of the subtle shadows resulting from the chronic consumption of bean tea?

Then Clear Coffee is for you. It’s the first ever colorless coffee drink in the world, and it promises to keep its drinker’s teeth untainted. At this point, you may be asking: why not just pop a couple of caffeine tablets, and wash ’em down with a bottle of spring water from the South Seas?

Well, Clear Coffee promises authentic coffee taste. The brand uses high-quality Arabica coffee beans and pure water for their formulation. The drink is free of artificial flavoring, preservatives, sugar, or any other type of sweeteners. It’s also low in calories: 4 per serving.

But, most importantly, the company assures the coffee-crazed that the product retains the flavor, an essential part of the experience for any lover of the brew. They’re tight-lipped on the process, but we gather that it involves treating the beans, instead of roasting them. Your guess is as good as ours.

A two-pack costs about $7.50 and a five-pack runs for about $19.25. A little steep, perhaps, but worth a shot. Any coffee-drinker worth their salt will try any bean-related product at least once.

2688 April 24, 2017 Lifestyle April 24, 2017