Actress Meredith Baxter, of ‘Family Ties’ Fame, Sells Home of Forty Years

Published: December 31, 2016 | By: American Luxury Staff

Meredith Baxter has sold her home of four decades.

An early-seventies time-capsule, the house is as close as one can come to an upscale contemporary of the period, an almost heartbreakingly evocative bit of architectural design.

The aesthetic is purely back-to-the-land ideal; wood predominates, merging natural world and human dwelling in the pleasing manner of the era. The home’s exterior is redwood, and inside is a playful blend of polished and raw hardwood, brick and stained glass. Twin wrought-iron spiral staircases wind between floors, through circular passages. The main living space abuts the south-facing wall, which is mainly glass, designed for passive solar and abundant natural light within. The setting is quiet and wooded. The entrance itself is a secret invitation, a redwood corridor leading to the front door. Only the thought of the nearby Riviera Country Club breaks the heady spell cast by the home, and its elegiac representation.

The home measures 4,493 square feet, and includes four bedrooms and an upstairs master. There is a private, second floor terrace. A pool area is tastefully rendered, but a bit more generic in contrast to the house. There is a self-sufficient guest cottage with a small deck, employable as a studio.

Actress and producer Baxter is best known for her central role in the situation comedy ‘Family Ties,’ although she has accepted roles in countless television programs and films. A cancer survivor, she founded The Meredith Baxter Breast Cancer Research Foundation, which she partially funds with proceeds from a skin-care line, Meredith Baxter Simple Works.

4974 December 31, 2016 Real Estate December 31, 2016