Coffee Table Uses Opposing Magnetic Fields to Levitate

Coffee Table Uses Opposing Magnetic Fields to Levitate

Published: December 24, 2016 | By: American Luxury Staff

Levitating cups using magnetic coasters have hit the market in time for the holidays, but now levitation has been brought to the home furnishing level thanks to Siren Design Studios’ new Teles Taxidi coffee table.

Translated to Perfect Journey, Teles Taxidi is able to levitate utilizing the strength of two rare earth magnets. The two magnets are balanced perfectly over each other with the glass of the tabletop reigned in by 1,000-pound-rated Kevlar cables.

On top of the science involved to make the table literally float, Siren has given the levitating coffee table a futuristic vibe with a uniquely shaped glass top and a sleek and modern looking base.

The Teles Taxidi table costs $30,000.

3930 December 24, 2016 Interior Design December 24, 2016