Tim Allen, forever Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor from the famed 1990s show “Home Improvement” as well as the voice of Buzz Lightyear in the “Toy Story” franchise, has sold...
Jessica Chastain, the Oscar-nominated actress known for her roles in Mama, The Martian and The Help recently completed the sale of her pre-war apartment in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of...
The stars of ABC’s hit ‘90s sitcom Home Improvement have been making the real estate rounds of late. Not long after Tim Allen, who starred as Tim “The Tool Man”...
Joining numerous other SUV concepts at the recent 2016 Paris Motor Show was Lexus’ UX concept, an undersized SUV preview from Toyota’s more luxurious arm. The UX boasts many of...
Designer Richard Clarkson and Crealev, a company that makes levitating products, have joined forces to create a remote-controlled, hovering cloud that plays music and flashes while floating barely off the...