Selectivity is the Secret Behind Teforia’s $1,500 Tea Infusion

Selectivity is the Secret Behind Teforia’s $1,500 Tea Infusion

Published: October 16, 2016 | By: American Luxury Staff

While tea is considered to be second only to water in terms of beverage consumption at any given moment around the world, the general method for making it hasn’t changed for what seems like eons.

Former Xbox 360 and Amazon designer Allen Han has tried to change this with his three-year project Teforia, a tea-making device that utilizes the same painstaking approach as third-wave coffee making.

Han’s Teforia boasts a proprietary Selective Infusion Profile System (SIPS), an infusion globe, and carafe (both of which are made of borosilicate glass reinforced with BPA-free plastic).

The futuristic tea-making Teforia automatically factors in the optimum time, water temperature, and amount based on tea varietal to release the maximum level of the 200 major compounds that make up the full taste and aroma of loose-leaf tea.

The tea-maker also comes with an accompanying Teforia app that helps its users customize each cup of tea to their exact preference, factoring in everything from taste to the amount of caffeine and antioxidants. The app also allows for online ordering, provides expert tea recipes, and even helps connect tea-lovers.

Teforia will be released later this fall and will come with a $1,500 price tag.










2273 October 16, 2016 Interior Design, Kitchen October 16, 2016