Syrp’s Slingshot Video Slider Puts Drone Shots to Shame

Syrp’s Slingshot Video Slider Puts Drone Shots to Shame

Published: September 29, 2016 | By: American Luxury Staff

Though camera drones are only increasing in popularity, rules and regulations have only hampered their ability to capture footage. The Syrp Slingshot solves this problem, allowing photogs to take video and time lapses while sliding over 300 feet.

Using its surroundings, the Slingshot can attach to something like a telephone pole or tree using brackets. A four-wheeled dolly is then used to carry the camera across a cable connecting the brackets, to safely shoot and record what is going on below.

When joined with Syrp’s Genie, the Slingshot turns into a motorized video slider. Add another Genie and owners can have three-axis motion control over what is being shot.

To top it all off, the companion app for the Genie allows its users to completely control the camera’s motion on the cables of the Slingshot, with the ability to do everything from tilting and panning to tracking motions—at speeds as high as 7.6 seconds per foot.

The Syrp Slingshot is able to hold up to 17.6 pounds, meaning aerial photos and videos from better cameras are possible as opposed to drones that feature a lighter payload.

Syrp offers the basic Slingshot with an 82-foot cable for $989, but for the full range of capabilities with a pair of Genie devices and a 300-foot cable, interested parties will need to drop $3,100.







4442 September 29, 2016 Camera, Tech September 29, 2016