Document Your Dives With the ROV Underwater Drone

Document Your Dives With the ROV Underwater Drone

Published: August 16, 2016 | By: American Luxury Staff

Camera drones have taken over skies across the world with the easy-to-fly, lightweight devices capturing everything from football practices, to scenes for shows and concerts, to personal movements of the owner’s daily life.

But up until now, most drones that go underwater have been reserved for researchers and scientists and have usually been much larger. However, now Designer Ron Ferencz has come out with the new ROV Underwater Drone that captures footage below the surface.

The drone utilizes three propellers, two in the rear and one on top, to maneuver through water with ease and change direction quickly to allow the Canon lens attached to a double-jointed arm a chance to unveil the mysteries of the deep.







2330 August 16, 2016 Drones, Tech August 16, 2016