Corvette-Based Genovation GXE Is the Fastest Electric Vehicle in the World

Corvette-Based Genovation GXE Is the Fastest Electric Vehicle in the World

Published: August 7, 2016 | By: American Luxury Staff

Tesla has pretty much cornered the luxury electric vehicle market and has even given the world a superfast electric version with its Model S equipped with Ludicrous Mode. However, none of Elon Musk’s brainchildren hold the title for the fastest electric vehicle.

That honor goes to the Genovation GXE that recently set a land speed world record for its class with a speed of 205.6 mph.

The GXE (Genovation Extreme Electric) comes in the form of a revamped 2006 Corvette Z06, but the V8 powerplant that the car came with has been swapped out in favor of electric motors that make 600 horsepower and create 570 pound-feet of torque.

And while the GXE’s 130-mile range doesn’t touch any of Tesla’s EVs, it does boast a 50-50-weight distribution and low stance that definitely sets it apart from its rivals.

Genovation’s GXE set the 205.6-mph record at the Space Florida Shuttle Landing Facility, beating its own record-setting 186.8 mph time that it ran this past February. The GXE isn’t actually on streets or available for purchase quite yet as Genovation is still undergoing testing and development.



2222 August 7, 2016 Cars August 7, 2016