Luxury accessory brand Fendi began selling individual shoulder straps for bags last year, and now Louis Vuitton is following suit with its Bandoulière collection of bag straps.
The brand’s new line is made up of nearly 3-foot long straps with a variety of prints and colors so fashionistas can customize the look and style of their bags.
Customers will be able to choose among Epi leather in bold and bright colors, python and animal prints, and the classic monogram canvas options. Louis fans can also personalize their strap with their own initials.
Even better, some straps sport gold tone clasps while others feature silver tone clasps so wearers won’t have to worry about their new straps clashing with their outfit for the day.
Louis Vuitton’s Epi leather straps are available for $560, and the classic monogram canvas variants are priced at $495.