No More Memorizing Long WiFi Passwords with the Kisslink Router

No More Memorizing Long WiFi Passwords with the Kisslink Router

Published: July 14, 2016 | By: American Luxury Staff

Two people can get closer with a simple kiss, and that’s exactly what the new Kisslink Router from Keewifi does with the Wi-Fi connection in its owner’s home.

Instead of using a password, the Kisslink features proximity technology to create secure Wi-Fi connections to devices. Owners and their guests just have to hold their smartphones or other devices up to the syncing panel on the Kisslink, and the device makes a secure connection almost instantaneously.

Setting up the Kisslink is simple too. All its owner needs to do is connect the device to a power outlet and an internet source to get online securely, quickly, and easily without having to type in a crazy password that is impossible to remember or share with visiting friends.

The Kisslink is available for purchase through the Keewifi website for $60.





2852 July 14, 2016 Home Automation, Tech July 14, 2016