Dior Looks to Versailles for Jewelry Inspiration

Dior Looks to Versailles for Jewelry Inspiration

Published: July 12, 2016 | By: American Luxury Staff

Dior’s new line of high-class jewelry from designer Victoire de Castellane has taken the beauty and glamour of the Chateau de Versailles of the past and transported it into modernity.

De Castellane has utilized jewelry-making methods from over 200 years ago and applied them to her new line by taking clusters of diamonds and setting them against rose gold, white gold, platinum, and darkened silver to achieve the feeling of being in Versailles’ famous Hall of Mirrors.

De Casellane has made all of the pieces in Dior’s new collection with a specific story in mind, exemplified with the Galerie des Glaces necklace, which is the line’s central piece. It features settings that appear random but in fact are stones really set to create purposeful art.

Some of the pieces in the magnificent new collection include the Galerie des Glaces necklace, the Chambre du Roi necklace, and the Salon de Mercure bracelet, all named for iconic Versailles rooms.

“In my head, I know exactly what I want in a piece of jewelry: It begins with a story, and I know what kind of stones go with it,” said de Castellane.








3031 July 12, 2016 Jewelry, Women July 12, 2016