Embraer Delivers Its 1,000th Jet

Embraer Delivers Its 1,000th Jet

Published: May 5, 2016 | By: American Luxury Staff

When a big company has 1,000 cars roll out of its manufacturing plant there isn’t usually a big celebration, but if you change the product being made to jets, well, 1,000 seems like a pretty big accomplishment.

That’s exactly what Embraer Executive Jets just accomplished when it handed over its 1,000th jet, a Legacy 500 delivered to Flexjet.

Only in service since late 2014, the Legacy 500 carries six world-speed records for a jet in its class . It holds 8 to 12 passengers in a luxurious 6-foot-tall cabin. Flexjet offers the Legacy 500 in its Red Label line, which boasts bespoke cabin interiors and flight crews that stay in just one plane to help create a top-of-the-line custom service to make travelers feel like they own the aircraft.

Embraer sells the Legacy 500 for about $20 million. Aside from the handful owned by Flexjet, a Legacy 500 also went to Jackie Chan recently.






5597 May 5, 2016 Travel May 5, 2016