At $1.5M, the World’s Most Expensive Speakers

At $1.5M, the World’s Most Expensive Speakers

Published: February 11, 2016 | By: American Luxury Staff

There are speakers and then there are devices offering sound quality beyond the highest of expectations. The Kharma Enigma Veryon Speaker System is the rare exception that falls into the latter bracket.

The Kharma system, also known as the Holy Grail in high-end sound, offers unrivaled sound thanks to superior technology.

One of the secrets of the new Kharma speakers is the newly engineered drivers, the Kharma Omega F drivers, that are the main reason the speakers perform so well. The speakers also come with finely crafted 5-axis CNC-machined Bulletwood parts in the speaker cabinet to compliment any home.

The superior quality doesn’t come without a large price tag, though. The Kharma Enigma Veryon Speaker System sells for $1.5 million.






13210 February 11, 2016 Audio, Tech February 11, 2016