These Frattini Bathroom Fixtures Incorporate a Touchscreen

These Frattini Bathroom Fixtures Incorporate a Touchscreen

Published: October 10, 2015 | By: American Luxury Staff

If you’ve asked yourself recently whether everything is going digital, the answer might be yes. Fixture brand Fima Carlo Frattini has just unveiled its new bathroom fixture collection complete with touchscreens.

The Nomos F4101 is a faucet from the future with an intuitive touchscreen to help users regulate water flow rate and temperature. But that’s not all. Owners can personalize their settings and check on water consumption too.

For those who never seem to get water to the right temperature, this very well could be the solution since a simple on-screen function ensures water will be dispersed at exactly 100.4-degrees Fahrenheit.

The fixture also has a built-in alarm to alert users to problems with the system and a 7-year warranty in case there is ever an issue.

Owners of the Frattini F4101 will be happy to find their water not too hot, not too cold, but just right.





6088 October 10, 2015 Bathroom, Interior Design October 10, 2015