Ily ‘Family Phone’ Tries to Reinvent the Home Phone

Ily ‘Family Phone’ Tries to Reinvent the Home Phone

Published: June 28, 2015 | By: American Luxury Staff

The smartphone has become so commonplace among modern families that some kids aren’t even familiar with the term “landline.” Yet, a smartphone might not be appropriate or accessible for everyone in the family. That’s where tech start-up Insensi comes in with Ily, their take on the family phone.

Insensi CEO Ilan Abehassera is concerned the smartphone craze might be isolating two major groups in the family—children and the elderly, who are much less likely to own a smartphone. Ily was invented to bridge the gap and offer an easy solution to connectivity regardless of tech-savviness or location.

Don’t expect a rotary or traditional number pad; Ily is made with an eight-inch touchscreen and should be housed in a central location in the family home. Connected through WiFi but without an internet browser, kids can safely use it. Those with smartphones can even connect their phone to Ily to redirect incoming calls.

Designed for an age group of three to 93, the phone isn’t covered with buttons and switches, and turns on automatically using an IR sensor. Users only need to tap on a person’s photo to begin a video call. You can even send photos and drawings using the built-in touchscreen.






3532 June 28, 2015 Home Automation, Tech June 28, 2015