At $21.5M, Idaho’s Most Expensive Home

Published: April 17, 2015 | By: American Luxury Staff

Idaho’s most expensive home on the market is currently listed for $21.5 million.

Located in Idaho’s famous Sun Valley, this 20,000-square-foot home sits on 13 acres with a barn and guesthouse on the property.

“There’s a certain type of person that likes Sun Valley,” Suzanne Williams, real estate broker, said. “It’s someone that’s low-key and doesn’t require a lot of attention. They’re successful, but they don’t need to be seen.”

The home was originally built by a family as a dream home. Unfortunately for them, they were forced to relocate. Fortunately for those looking for a mansion in Sun Valley, the home is now available.

The home also features gorgeous views, a cozy architectural design, and most unique, an authentic Irish Pub.


5483 April 17, 2015 Real Estate April 17, 2015