Ray Touchscreen Remote Control Offers a New Way to Interact with TV

Ray Touchscreen Remote Control Offers a New Way to Interact with TV

Published: March 2, 2015 | By: American Luxury Staff

Not many technological changes have occurred in the remote control over the years, despite the way we watch television drastically changing. Ray attempts to bring the technology of the remote control in line with your smart television.

Ray allows you to see what’s on TV using a display screen. You can select a show directly on the remote’s touchscreen. It will remember the shows you watch frequently and will let you know when you can watch them or bring them up from your DVR.

Ray is also kid-friendly. Children can simply click on their favorite character and enjoy watching their programming.

Ray is a universal remote; it works with Blu-Ray players, surround sound systems, and most other devices.

Ray is currently available for pre-order for $199.








4045 March 2, 2015 Accessories, Tech March 2, 2015