Basquiat-Inspired Skis

Basquiat-Inspired Skis

Published: February 7, 2015 | By: American Luxury Staff

Bomber Ski recently released a new series of skis dubbed the Artist Series that features a selection of art-inspired skis.

The skis bear the work of renowned neo-expressionist artists Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring. The skis themselves are a work of art. Each pair is handcrafted with ABS plastic sidewalls and wood.

In addition to the Artist Series, Bomber Ski has also released a set that is decked out the America’s stars and stripes, with a portion of the proceeds going to benefit the U.S. ski team.

Prices start at $2,500. The Artist Series is a limited edition collection.

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3846 February 7, 2015 Lifestyle February 7, 2015