Audi Sent a Self-Driving A7 From Silicon Valley to CES in Las Vegas – Again

Audi Sent a Self-Driving A7 From Silicon Valley to CES in Las Vegas – Again

Published: January 9, 2015 | By: American Luxury Staff

Audi sent its self-driving car on a self-driven road trip from Silicon Valley to Las Vegas where it was shown off at CES 2015.

The self-driving Audi A7 made the trip with a just-in-case driver and a car full of journalists. The car can go up to 70 mph, change lanes, pass other vehicles, brake, and accelerate, all on autopilot. The car can even pull itself over if it request human intervention and the driver ignores it.

“The test drive from the west coast of California to Las Vegas demonstrates our leadership role in piloted driving ,“ Ulrich Hackenberg, Audi Board Member and Head of Technical Development, said. “A new hi-resolution 3D video camera, already integrated into the next generation systems found in the new Q7, takes a wide-angle view out in front of the vehicle. Four small front and rear mounted cameras view closer surroundings.”

Audi attempted a similar stunt last year, but the driver had to take over. This year everything went without a hitch.

Audi believes that its self-driving car is nearly ready to be put into full production.

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5616 January 9, 2015 Cars January 9, 2015