Yotaphone 2 Is the World’s First Smartphone with Two Screens

Yotaphone 2 Is the World’s First Smartphone with Two Screens

Published: December 17, 2014 | By: American Luxury Staff

The YotaPhone 2 is being touted as the first smartphone to have two screens. While it may sound gimmicky, there is a lot of practicality in having two touchscreens.

The phone features the normal LCD screen we are all used to, but on the back of the phone is another screen that displays information without needing to unlock your phone. The back screen is a 4.7″ e-ink display that will let you know when you have an email or text message, tell you the time, temperature, and more.

Despite the back screen always being on, the YotaPhone 2 has an impressive battery life. It will go for two days on a full charge. The phone runs on an Android OS.

The YotaPhone 2 costs around $872 and you can order it here.








5136 December 17, 2014 Mobile, Tech December 17, 2014