New Machine Remove Traces of Cocaine From Your Banknotes

New Machine Remove Traces of Cocaine From Your Banknotes

Published: October 16, 2014 | By: American Luxury Staff

A long-held rumor is that American money contains large traces of cocaine. In fact, several studies have found that 90% of banknotes do actually have between 0.006 and 1.24 micro-grams of cocaine per bill contained on their surface.

A man named Francesco Morackini began developing a machine in 2008 that would detect the traces of cocaine on money. He has since taken this concept a step further by creating a machine that resembles a money counter and distributor that you would find at most banks. However, the machine actually removes cocaine from the money in addition to counting it.

In a strange twist, the machine not only delivers clean money—it also delivers 99% pure cocaine crystals into a separate unit. Naturally, it would also deliver a large dose of legal trouble.

Check out how it works below:

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