Wireless Earbuds

Wireless Earbuds

Published: June 28, 2014 | By: American Luxury Staff

Former Sony Ericsson and Nokia engineers have come together to launch a Kickstarter that is selling small, wireless earbuds.

The Earin earbuds are exactly as presented – there are no cords. There is not even a Bluetooth cable, because the earbuds work using rechargeable batteries that power the speakers. Also included is a rechargeable storage case that charges the earbuds and is small enough to be put on a keychain. A USB cable is required to charge the storage/battery case.

The Earin earbuds utilize the same technology used in pro in-ear monitors and hearing aids to deliver the best possible sound.

You can purchase the Earin earbuds for approximately $108.

Cordless Wonder: Earin earbuds

Cordless Wonder: Earin earbuds


4300 June 28, 2014 Audio, Tech June 28, 2014