Golf on a Plane? Airbus Predicts Air Travel in 2050

Golf on a Plane? Airbus Predicts Air Travel in 2050

Published: June 17, 2014 | By: American Luxury Staff

It is not easy to predict the future, but most seem to agree that the quality and technology of air travel is rapidly improving. Airbus believes that it knows what air travel will look like decades from now and recently unveiled its vision of flight in 2050.

Among Airbus’ predictions are areas on airplanes just for playing games like virtual golf, seats that collect our body heat and use the energy to power other features, and panoramic windows. Airbus envisions a plane that is less like a mode of transportation and more like a vacation in and of itself. The aircraft will have bars for social gatherings and private spaces to have business meetings or screens to hold conference calls while you travel.

Airbus also predicted that air travel will be around 13 minutes shorter by 2050. This would save millions of dollars in fuel and reduce CO2 emissions.

If any company can make credible predictions about the future of flight, it’s probably Airbus. They make the most technologically advanced commercial jet in the world, the A380. Bookmark this page and come back in 36 years, just to see how these predictions turn out.









5532 June 17, 2014 Travel June 17, 2014