Tubecore Duo Combines Analog and Digital

Tubecore Duo Combines Analog and Digital

Published: April 13, 2014 | By: American Luxury Staff

The Tubecore Duo started as a Kickstarter that set out to create a speaker that married analog sound with digital technologies.  After successfully meeting their goals and completing production, the Tubecore Duo is available for preorder.

The speaker features a Class A pre-amp coupled with a 100 watt Class AB solid state power amplifier. The Tubcore Duo packs all this power while  also remaining compact making it portable.

The Tubecore Duo comes in a variety of standard colors and will cost $649.  Add an additional $19 and you can customize the color.  If you preorder now you get a discount that brings the cost down to $479.  You can preorder the Tubecore Duo here.

Tubecore Duo Combines Analog and Digital, Front

Tubecore Duo Combines Analog and Digital, On The Inside

Tubecore Duo Combines Analog and Digital, Tube Amp

Tubecore Duo Combines Analog and Digital, Back

Tubecore Duo Combines Analog and Digital, The Tubes Are Heated

Tubecore Duo Combines Analog and Digital, In Use


5437 April 13, 2014 Audio April 13, 2014