The Ring Clock

The Ring Clock

Published: August 27, 2013 | By: American Luxury Staff

The Ring Clock combines the fashion of rings with the practicality and function of a watch.  It is a surgical-grade stainless steel ring that displays the time  through cyan or orange LEDs.  It wirelessly charges (full charge takes about two hours), uses an ultra-thin battery, and has energy-saving LEDs.  The gadget was designed two years ago by Gusztav Szikszai, a  Hungarian industrial designer.

“I wanted to create something that is innovative, good to look at and can actually be useful,” Szikszai said.  “I never wore a watch on my wrist because I don’t like the feeling, but I like watches in general, so I used that opportunity to let my mind come up with something that I could wear, the Ring Clock.”

The rings are still in the prototype stage as Szikszai is seeking funding via crowd-sourcing on Indiegogo.  As of this writing they have raised over $100,000 of their $287,500 goal with 40 days left to contribute.

The orange LEDs of the Ring Clock.

A side by side view of the orange and cyan Ring Clock.

The Ring Clock on its charging station.

6669 August 27, 2013 Gadgets, Tech August 27, 2013


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