Sony High-Quality Lens for Smartphones

Sony High-Quality Lens for Smartphones

Published: August 17, 2013 | By: American Luxury Staff

Sony High-Quality Lens for Smartphones

Sony High-Quality Lens for Smartphones

6088 August 17, 2013 Tech August 17, 2013


  1. Anthony Maw

    Yawn. I’ll take a pass on that. Between my DSLR and my waterproof point shoot compact and my iPhone camera I’ve got all I need. This camera is brought to you by the inventors of Betamax.

    1. Eric

      Actually Betmax was far superior to VHS. Unfortunately they didn’t win in the marketing of their product.

  2. Danny Lin

    Dear Sirs.

    Please send me update Lens camera information once it is published.

    Best regards.,
    Danny Lin

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