MotoArt’s Conference Table, Made From a Boeing 747’s Engine

MotoArt’s Conference Table, Made From a Boeing 747’s Engine

Published: July 17, 2013 | By: American Luxury Staff

MotoArt’s 747 Jumbo Jet Conference Table is made from a Boeing 747′s engine.  The table is over 11 feet wide and accommodates 12 people. It features six connection ports for electronics, internal LED lighting, and is topped with a B-52 engine spinner.

MotoArt’s 747 Jumbo Jet Conference Table costs between $35,000 to $40,000 depending on the optional features.

MotoArt's Conference Table, Made From a Boeing 747's Engine

MotoArt's Conference Table, Made From a Boeing 747's Engine

MotoArt's Conference Table, Made From a Boeing 747's Engine


7327 July 17, 2013 Interior Design July 17, 2013